Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Arcade Fire: Disenfranchised Angst or Prophetic Voice

This band's new interesting perspective with a fresh sound. "BLACK MIRROR" equals Television. "NEON BIBLE" a song about the end of the world under an idolalatrous government riddled with a doctrine of self-interest based agenda's. My fav is "INTERVENTION" which I believe to be specifically written for me. Hollywood personalities and child exploitation are tackled in "(ANTICHRIST TELEVISION BLUES)" and beautifully word pictured. The lamenting "WINDOWSILL" is a picture of weakness in the face of War and a posturing leadership but contrasted by "THE WELL AND THE LIGHTHOUSE" which nudges you toward what may be the most feel good moment on the disk...the album has a cynical tone but the band is being quite transparent throughout.

1 comment:

EternaLee said...

Hey James, I want to hear these guys. Maybe they and Corey Red and Precise can have an End of the World Tour!