Skycalled in Retrospect
I'm highly appreciative of the fact that I have stumbled upon the Christian Phenomenon known as skycalled. It's been an oasis of art, music and worship where I can freely give myself as a "Living Sacrifice" Rom.12 in an environment where the pressure of conventional ministry is greatly reduced and replaced by a God devotional focused dance that makes me feel like a child and a spiritual being at the same time.
Of some concerns I'd like to voice my opinion.
Works based in the christian faith are good if faith in the love of Christ comes first. Having said that dancing to loud house music, paying $10.00 at a door and attending highly populated areas of artsy well dressed youth and young adults does not nessecerily constitute a faith based work of God in an individuals life. Having said that Skycalled has alot of potential. If this event so suits you - attend. If you're the type of person who enjoys worship and communes with God best while gardening save your time and money and tend to a rose bush. God will bless your roses and the lovers thereof.
Worship music styles. A potential for arguement will often arise around the conversation topic of the style of music God desires to hear the most. From metal death growls to Sri Lankan Singala chants there is a wide spectrum of sound to choose from. Country & Western, Blues, Gregorian chants, Hip Hop and everything in between. It would seem cornering Gods chosen musical style is as likely as boxing Biblical Theology into a Chicken Soup for the Seminary soul book. But he loves music non the richer. Skycalled is a passion thing, a find your way to such and such a fancy. Orange pekoe tea over mint tea. If someone's heart is right before God then there song (no matter how worse!) is very likely received by a loving father and appreciated. So again if booming subs are a low fat healthy food that has the sandwich market cornered then maybe you would be more apt to worship along to a beautiful peice of piano music or maybe a celtic shanty but then again Skycalled is always worth a try.
Socializing over worship. What's the focus between these two important ares of concern? Should Skycalled become a social gathering or strictly a spiritual endevor? Hmmm a future post.
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