Fall Out Boy
We've been playing cover tunes. It's sorta like reverse engineering to tear something down and divy the parts out to a new set of musicians and rediscover the whole song. Challenging and empty in a way. I've been visiting friendsorenemies.com alot this week since I discovered it and getting a kick off all the tongue and cheek stuff posted. I'm cooking up the idea of covering "What a Catch (Donnie)" with our non-band. A musically very busy arrangement, a vocal ascent and a self depreciating theme throughout the verses...instant classic by a great band.
There was a "blowout" sale at Long & McQuade last weekend. 35%-40% off on a bunch of stock and while I was there I became enamored by Boss pedals. I bought a DS-1 basic distortion pedal, brought it home, plugged it in and got what I didn't expect - plucky sustain and a little crunch. But I was still happy! It's much more authentic then my ZOOM modeler...did Nirvana record and rehearse all that Grunge with one of these? It's suppose to be a classic... Nonetheless I'm still eagerly awaiting my BCB-60 and the prospect of filling with Boss effects.